In Tatters

I knelt at His feet in the utter mess I’d made. My struggle to succeed was stark. No one had ever seen me so disheveled…in such embarrassing circumstances. As He cleaned me up for the second time two minutes, I looked up to meet His steady gaze and tried to gauge his reaction. Disgust at another disastrous, completely unimpressive act of service? Frustrated at my inability to get it together? Sadistically amused at another ridiculous unglamorous predicament I’d once again found myself in? I knew he was taking in every fucking minute detail of the wreck before Him and squirreling it away in the vault of His mind, but what did He feel? His stoic expression offered me no hint. Without comment He stood firm in front of me. Fuckin unwavering. He hadn’t walked away. He hadn’t stepped back. I swear He may have even leaned in. As soon as I’d semi-collected myself, I began my third attempt even as I tried in vain to push the remaining proof of my ineptitude out of view, hoping it would simply

Rope's First Whisper to Me

Kwesi loves rope. It’s spiritual for Him.

Me...until a month ago, I was a complete Rope virgin.  I’ve been curious for years but never had the chance to indulge, so i was/am more than willing to explore with Him.  In fact, I cherish every kinky introduction He can claim for Himself.  At our age, firsts are truly special. Afterall, fewer of them exist if we've done our fair share of living.

With the new year, He introduced me to Rope with a simple informal bit of tying.  His hands haven't help their sinuous strands for some time, so it was as much a re-acquaintance for Him as it was a first acquaintance for me.  He kept it basic.  No sexy fun.  I sat peaceful and attentive as He wound the material around my wrists, but...I didn't get it.  I waited for some "ah-ha" moment/ experience/ emotion, but I found only a serene silence.

My second feel of Rope was under much different circumstances.  We were smack in the middle of the most intense scene I've ever experienced.  His hands sure.  His intent purposeful.  The bands hugged my forearms firmly and laid on my skin with beauty and grace that was hard to deny.  However, the partial bondage was completely overshadowed by the intense, dramatic, extremely erotic happenings of that night, and I was unable to filter out any significant Rope feelings/responses within the phenomenal cacophony of Sex, Dominance, and Pain that bombarded my existence.  (~sigh~ what a night!)

I knew I couldn’t base any conclusion of Rope on those moments, but I still struggled to...imagine the groove...the head space...that Rope might take me to.  I even asked a few s-types about Rope space, but none were able to give me much insight.  Without having some clue where Rope might lead me mentally and emotionally, I struggled to point myself in the right mental/emotional direction to help myself...embrace or at the very least accept Rope.  

There's tons of beautiful pics and instructional "How to Tie" materials, but while I by no means have exhausted Internet research, I've yet to find much on how to make the most of bottoming.  Yes, I know that is always subjective, but vague insights like "Oh I love Rope," are less than enlightening.  Most (not ALL) people (instructors included - AGAIN not ALL) do a horrible job of communicating just what the fuck they get out of various kinky tactics beyond "It feels good." It's even rare than I find someone who can communicate mental and emotional tactics for taking things further.  ~sigh~ Thoughtful meaningful introspection continues to be a declining art, but I digress. 

By no means did/do I feel discouraged.  I am all about the various steps and processes in My Journey through the Dark.  Even IF I never find the "ah-ha" with Rope, I will enthusiastically embrace and enjoy the submissive service of it for my Owner's pleasure and enjoyment, but I doubt that outcome will be necessary...

Earlier this week, Kwesi and I went to our first Rope sponsored by Pleasure Chest.  If you ever get the chance, go to one of Midori's classes!  She's an absolute delight, filled with humor and energy, ever practical, and instructs with an amazing positive energy that has a vibrant bit of bite that leaves your mind licking it's proverbial lips.  

My mind was open to learn, and after more than a week apart, my body was hungry for His hands on me even if just in a public setting.  After a brief overview where she emphasised a focus on your partner and taking advantage of intimate touches, we each had our hands full of Rope and began to manipulate and twist the material.  Though Midori gave us a small, simple task as an exercise, it was insightful.  While responsive to the slightest touch, Rope has a squirrely nature, not so much defiant but more...You must coax and woo the strands to obey.  

Though my soul still heard nothing, I continued to watch and tie and learn as Midori demo'd the next Rope Trick, which began with a lacing a thigh.  Once the class was free to practice, I quickly dropped my length to be Kwesi's Rope bottom.  Once...twice...again...again...and then there it was.

Surrounded by 40+ Rope wielding strangers, fully clothed, in a hands-on practice setting, as I watched Kwesi's hands dance across my thigh just above my knee...I heard Rope whisper to me so gently it was more of a timid airy breath in the back of my mind that only meant to say, "Here. Here I am."  

Everything inside me froze in awareness of that elusive voice I'd been seeking.  I closed my eyes to out the riot of activity in my peripheral vision, cocked my head, and sighed, "Hello, I hear you," as my Owner's fingertips brushed, stroked, and worked the Rope across my skin.  She hovered there out of reach and out of sight, but I felt Her.  Then in my next breath, while Her touch remained at Kwesi's command, Her momentary presence in me was gone.

I smiled to myself and relaxed further into His touch.  We'd finally spoken, Rope and I.  I realize now that Her nature leaves her unable to sing directly to my most erotic sensitivities like her more vicious and direct counterparts.  She seems like a secondary timid lover to be guided solely by my Owner’s will.  I have no idea where our acquaintanceship may travel, but it seems our meetup point will be someplace quite different in my soul from Sex or Pain or submission.  

Only time and experience will tell.


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