In Tatters

I knelt at His feet in the utter mess I’d made. My struggle to succeed was stark. No one had ever seen me so disheveled…in such embarrassing circumstances. As He cleaned me up for the second time two minutes, I looked up to meet His steady gaze and tried to gauge his reaction. Disgust at another disastrous, completely unimpressive act of service? Frustrated at my inability to get it together? Sadistically amused at another ridiculous unglamorous predicament I’d once again found myself in? I knew he was taking in every fucking minute detail of the wreck before Him and squirreling it away in the vault of His mind, but what did He feel? His stoic expression offered me no hint. Without comment He stood firm in front of me. Fuckin unwavering. He hadn’t walked away. He hadn’t stepped back. I swear He may have even leaned in. As soon as I’d semi-collected myself, I began my third attempt even as I tried in vain to push the remaining proof of my ineptitude out of view, hoping it would simply

My Best Relationship

I've loved.
I've been in love.
Mmmmmm...I've been in lust!

I've been fucked poorly, rarely, well, passionately, and with earth-shattering pleasure that rendered me senseless.
There's been a handful of one night stands, a sprinkling of short tepid time-killers, and a handful of long deep relationships.
Of those long faded, one bruised my pride, and two broke my heart.
I even did marriage once, but that nearly destroyed my soul.

With some I Topped.  In others I bottomed.
I Dominated.
I submitted.
I've been Owned.

I've been left, abused, lied to, cheated on, neglected, and abandoned.
I've walked away in peace, in resignation, in resolute conviction, in fire and fury, in relief.
I've been hated, stalked, condemned, and I've been adored, worshipped, cherished, and loved.

Even after all of that and forty some years, I'm still never quite convinced I know what I'm doing relationship-wise or if I'll ever get it right, except in one instance.

That one...

It's been the most trying, most fascinating, most demanding, and most complicated.  The roller coaster ride has been an adventure that has traveled the country and through many people's lives.  During the darkest of days that relationship left me devastated and on my knees gasping for air at the pain.  It's also filled me with so much barely-contained joy that it was all I could do not to dance down 5th Avenue.  Yet for all of the challenges and mistakes, I can honestly say it's still my best relationship yet.  Given my track record, it likely always will be.

Who was it with?

Myself.  ")

No matter what your role, your gender, your sexuality, your relationship status with others...the most important relationship you will EVER have is the one with yourself.

It isn't automatic.  In a world where a million mind-numbing distractions are always at your fingertips, too many ignore themselves instead of putting in the intentional effort to dig deep and face both the brutal and beautiful truths that lay beneath the surface.  It's surprising how much work it is, but the rewards are exponential when you genuinely get to know your mind, body, and soul and learn how to treat yourself with kindness, compassion, honesty, and integrity.

Eventually, no matter what you've been through, you can find peace, hope, happiness, and love for yourself.  Until you find those things for yourself, you won't be able to find those in any other relationship.

Somehow...many of us miss that vital truth to our existence.

Thankfully, I didn't.


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