In Tatters

I knelt at His feet in the utter mess I’d made. My struggle to succeed was stark. No one had ever seen me so disheveled…in such embarrassing circumstances. As He cleaned me up for the second time two minutes, I looked up to meet His steady gaze and tried to gauge his reaction. Disgust at another disastrous, completely unimpressive act of service? Frustrated at my inability to get it together? Sadistically amused at another ridiculous unglamorous predicament I’d once again found myself in? I knew he was taking in every fucking minute detail of the wreck before Him and squirreling it away in the vault of His mind, but what did He feel? His stoic expression offered me no hint. Without comment He stood firm in front of me. Fuckin unwavering. He hadn’t walked away. He hadn’t stepped back. I swear He may have even leaned in. As soon as I’d semi-collected myself, I began my third attempt even as I tried in vain to push the remaining proof of my ineptitude out of view, hoping it would simply

My Failure to Embrace Basic M/s Tradition | The Rebellious Non-Petitioning slave/property

The Tradition that a slave/property/s-type should/must formally petition any potential Master to be His slave is like a shard of glass in my Leather boot. No matter how many ways I look at it...the concept rips to shreds the fundamental foundation of imbalance that M/s dynamics demand.

There...I've said it.  Written it.  In fucking bold font, thank you very much.  I've held back making public my very non-traditional view for over three years.  I had hoped in vain that at some point I would read, hear, SEE the wisdom and logic behind an s-initiated approach to beginning an M/s relationship.  Despite numerous books, classes, and discussions, I've yet to find an answer.  In fact the more I learn, the firmer my rejection of the "s-types should petition to serve" Tradition becomes.

My issue boils down to one very clear point.  If the slave/property-type is the one who has to research an M-type to discover if there might be a good fit and then petition the M with how their surrender may fit into His/Her Life...that means the slave/property is in essence the First to Lead the dynamic and First to Vision the possibilities.  How un-fucking-submissive and slavey is THAT?!?

Maybe I've got it all wrong.  If so, please feel free to help me understand the logic. However I expect Leadership and Vision from the jump if I am to believe and trust that an M-type can Lead me and our potential Relationship.  If He (the best pronoun in my situation) sees me and doesn't have the Balls or Drive to approach/get to know me or if He does NOT have the ability to build a Vision of what He could accomplish/develop with me, then how the hell is there any chance of our long term success?  If I do all the initial groundwork, how exactly am I to believe that He'll be able to Lead our Authority-Based Relationship in a year or two or five years when I'm busy being obedient property and minding my service to Him? ~head scratch~  It's an illogical expectation and relationship pattern.

One of the core principles I've heard reiterated a number of times recently is "The slave serves the Master.  The Master serves the relationship/dynamic."  A more succinct and easy to follow explanation of each individual role's primary focus would be difficult to find.'s up to the Master to Lead the the Vision and Direction because He's the one who serves the relationship.  

Along the line's of Guy Baldwin's Prime Directive to "Protect the Property, "my greatest responsibility as a slave/property-type is to engage with a worthy M-type.  If I fuck up in that early stage and become involved with a Master who can not demonstrate basic skills in M/s, no matter how great my service to Him, my future with Him is doomed.  (Trust me.  I and countless other s-types have all had to face this Truth at some point.)   

Maybe the "Tradition of the Petitioning slave" relies on the simple imbalance of numbers.  There has and always will be exponentially more willing slaves compared to the select smaller number of respected Masters.  Law of Supply & Demand.  The higher the Demand (a large number of s-types seeking M's), the more the Supply side (M-types) can dictate the process, so of course M's would want to make it as simple for themselves as possible, right?  Is that the logic here?  Those with a "job opening" make the position pubic and let the flood of prospective applicants spend hours chasing, researching, customizing resumes, and applying, hoping to entice potential "employers" to give them a chance?

Hmmmmm...fuck no.  I don't treat finding an M/s dynamic like I'm looking for a damn minimum wage job at McDonald's or Wal-mart by scrolling through Indeed (FetLife personals)! ~eye roll~  Nor am I desperate and willing to settle for any jackass with a dick profile pic who claims to have an opening in the "House" he just created five days ago.

In Business the most coveted positions are never advertised and no mass-application process exists.  Leadership intentionally develops a detailed description of the characteristics and the experience needed for the position and hands that profile to headhunters to search out prime candidates who fit the Vision corporate management has in mind.  These ideal candidates aren't weeded out of a application pool of thousands.  They are selected because their history, reputation, results, and experience speak clearly for them.  Once a candidate receives the initial inquiry and expresses in interest in the position, formal introductions happen.  If there is a strong alignment between the candidate and the organization's leadership, the woo and seduction phase begins until serious negotiations are concluded and signatures grace contracts.

This is how those who want an organization to succeed finds it's best and brightest people.

Why should M/s be ANY different?
~DominaKat (aka "The Rebellious Lioness")

P.S.  I can go into how Apex Predators hunt their prey rather than the prey chasing the Predators if needed, but I much prefer the business analogy.  It speaks to what most of us actually try to accomplish as part of M/ success rather than momentary food sources.


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