In Tatters

I knelt at His feet in the utter mess I’d made. My struggle to succeed was stark. No one had ever seen me so disheveled…in such embarrassing circumstances. As He cleaned me up for the second time two minutes, I looked up to meet His steady gaze and tried to gauge his reaction. Disgust at another disastrous, completely unimpressive act of service? Frustrated at my inability to get it together? Sadistically amused at another ridiculous unglamorous predicament I’d once again found myself in? I knew he was taking in every fucking minute detail of the wreck before Him and squirreling it away in the vault of His mind, but what did He feel? His stoic expression offered me no hint. Without comment He stood firm in front of me. Fuckin unwavering. He hadn’t walked away. He hadn’t stepped back. I swear He may have even leaned in. As soon as I’d semi-collected myself, I began my third attempt even as I tried in vain to push the remaining proof of my ineptitude out of view, hoping it would simply

Lit Fires & Those Who Feed the Flames

It's launched.  After two long years, The 9 Service Languages of Authority Transfer Relationships & Dynamics!  This concept came over me in the Spring of 2020 in the middle of the initial NYC COVID outbreak and REFUSED to slip into the lost files of my mind.  When I previewed my very rough ugly concept outline a few weeks later to each of my personal Board of Directors, my first questions were "Who's already put this idea together?  Who's already written this book?"  All of them laughed and said, "No one.  I've never seen Service put out there like this.  I guess you need to be the one."  My fate was sealed.  

The concept persisted even when I was overwhelmed with grief at the deep loss of my close friend and Member of my Board of Directors, through the brutal workload that was UPRISE! 2021, while handling needs of my closest family, and as I did my best to dodge the numerous COVID surges that plague our communities.  However, for much of the last two years I lacked the focus and motivation to even look at that original draft.  

It waited for me, and when the fire to tackle this idea...this class...this workshop...this damn book outline. (Yes...I'm putting THAT out into the Universe!) it ROARED to life, building itself almost effortlessly.  I can only hope that the continued expansion of this work evolves in the same fluid way!

*** Special Thanks to Those Who Have FED my Flames ***
To my personal Board of Directors: silent, MrCunningLinguist, BlackMusic, and DeeDee Dahmer.  Without the encouragement, support, and faith of these four AMAZING human beings, I would not be where I am today.  They have each fed my journey in more ways than I can count.  Ricky, not a day goes by that I don't fucking miss you, our endless debates about the Lifestyle, your laugh, and your phenomenal brilliant mind.

To my Class Beta Testers who willingly sacrificed an evening on the faith that I wouldn't waste their time with nonsense. "). Thank you for your time, energy, thoughtful pushback, and insightful feedback! 
silent; MrCunningLinguist; SheMagick; House of Amor: Gaia Amor; House of Yue: Master Kaddan, slave audi, the boy, and the gurl; House of the Black Panther: SirGuy & MalikaSG; and UnrulyNerdGirl 

I am BLESSED, humbled, and deeply grateful to have the respect, faith, support, and encouragement of such inspiring individuals. You have fed my fire!


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