
The Embers

I knew from the beginning we could be amazing, but every time we take a step or a leap forward, I'm a little in awe of what I find. The calm, steady, and the quiet of Him... holds me in a way I've never felt.  Solid, secure, grounded deep in the Earth like a mighty sequoia, yet there's an indescribable freedom and flow and lightness that let's me dance with butterflies and moonbeams.    The joy of light and laughter... took my breath away and filled me to overflowing.  The doors and cabinets and hidden nooks willingly opened to see deeper.  Long walks on the beach.  Playful teasing.  Hands held.  Smiles and hugs and kisses.  All of it...Pure magic and wonder. The bliss of physical work, logical collaboration, and addicting progress... my bones, my muscles, my pores, my soul drank it all in after being starved so long from the purpose and act of doing.  I can't even's that trusted North Star—His Vision and Direction—that fuels it all.   I shake my he

Kink/BDSM/Leather Books & Resources

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To a New Decade!

I woke this morning near dawn to close, vicious streaks of lightning and a crack of thunder, ripping through my NYC neighborhood that sounded like the street and earth had opened to swallow the building next door.  With eyes barely opened, I smiled and laughed.  A perfect fucking omen to begin this day as I cross over into a new decade.  Electricity licked my skin and left a metallic spice in the air.  Yes...Mother fuckers are gonna feel THIS BEAUTIFUL STORM! Get ready, folks.  It's gonna be one helluva ride!  ~wicked grin~ ~DominaKat

TES Fest | an Ugly Confession & the Dawn of Rediscovery

Series | TES Fest 2022 Essay #4 |  an Ugly Confession & the Delight of Rediscovery CONFESSION | Somewhere in the last 18+ months I lost all feelings of sexiness.  Actually it's worse than than that.  I no longer felt attractive, I couldn't quite recognize my own body movements, and I flat out didn't feel comfortable in my own skin.  It was almost as if I'd lost complete connection with my physical self. Just typing all those words is difficult.  I feel like I failed myself somehow even though when I look back I see so many personal triumphs.  I'd mentioned elements of the issue a few times to a handful of folks, but no one seemed to be able to relate, and it's only in writing this post and looking back that I can truly perceive the depth of the issue. There's no way to cover in a single post everything that transpired between the Fall of 2020 and March of 2022, but I believe many factors contributed to my lost physical connection. A 7-month hibernation d

TES Fest 2022 | Vendors & My Groaning Wallet

Series | TES Fest 2022 Essay #3 | Vendors & My Groaning Wallet FINALLY...a week later, I finish UNPACKING from TES Fest!  Unlike packing, this process allowed me to unwrap, touch, and/or play with all the goodies I brought home with me, so there were little bursts of joy to carry me through the week as I emptied one bag and then another.  ") I'd purchased a number of custom pieces over the last 2 1/2 years from folks like Whispers of Fire Fet | Website , Whips by Axel Fet | Website , Toolworks Chicago Fet | Website , and UniqueKink Fet | Website , so my S&M Toolbox was VERY well set.  Yes...Kinky Retail Therapy during the pandemic was a thing for me...don't judge. lol Knowing my toolbox was already too damn big to take with me any-fucking-where anymore, my Lifestyle spending for 2022 was going to focus more on gear.  After all, I AM doing the Con/Run thing now!  Gotta show up and represent, right???  I'd browsed the TES Fest Vendor websites, but meh...only

TES Fest 2022 | Connecting & RE-Connecting to Kink/Leather Humanity

Series | TES Fest 2022 Essay #2 | Connecting & RE-Connecting to Kink/Leather Humanity I had planned to leave at Noon, but to be perfectly honest, Thursday morning I was completely unmotivated to go to TES Fest.  I was sick of fucking packing the ridiculous amount of things needed for a con, the commute was going to suck ass as I had to traverse at least THREE boroughs before I'd just get to Jersey, and quite honestly the thought of hanging around 500+ people held zero appeal.   Despite my extroverted ways in NYC during the three years prior to the pandemic, I am a natural introvert.  Passions and curiosity drive me to extrovert.  However when it comes to the Lifestyle, I'm less curious after 12 years in and traveling many miles on my journey.  Plus my demisexual nature combined with my current solo journey has left my internal passion in a state of cold embers.  More classes with no significant other to practice with held no interest...zilch, nada, NONE. Then there's th

TES Fest 2022 | Post-Con Status & Priorities

It's been less than 36 hours since leaving TES Fest 2022. For every amazing person who has messaged me, friended me, commented on something I shared...please bare with me for the next 5-7 days... I was back to my 9 to 5 vanilla job Tuesday am, which leaves me with limited time. My mind is still a whirlwind of amazing shit I need to process and express. That blizzard of thought has left me below standard logic and brainwave wise, and I do not want to do you a disservice by being a fucking airhead! smh... more water...more veggies...more sleep. My body is still recovering. Even my fucking hands ache! SMH...I'm self-masochist-ing just by typing! More Advil...more sleep...more veggies. Aside from my own self-care, my post-con priorities are checking on those closest to me regarding con drop, anyone I Topped, anyone I've offered aftercare from their other scenes, as well as reassuring vanilla family who got a little worried that I was harder to reach than usual. lol I prom

My Dizzying Return to the In-Person Magic of Leather & Kink

Today, under an absolutely beautiful breezy blue sky, was my first foray back to in-person Leather and Kink since COVID slammed NYC into a bleak lockdown of rampant illness and death. return has been slow as fuck.  Sorry not sorry...I lost all faith the last 2+ years that humanity held a basic foundation of common fucking sense.  Humans are humans and they'll do what they want not necessarily what they should.  However, the world is different now, the numbers are down, and the heat index was low, so I'm easing my way back into the flow of humanity on my terms.   As I laid in my bed this morning contemplating those terms and my day, a gradual dawning of RE-awareness crept over me...all the fucking things that go into going to a community event.  SMH.  Fuck...I'd forgotten!  The clothes.  The leather.  The implements.  The EFFORT!  But at the last minute I pulled my shit together and stepped out without embarrassing myself or my Chapter.   On my Uber drive with a s