
The Embers

I knew from the beginning we could be amazing, but every time we take a step or a leap forward, I'm a little in awe of what I find. The calm, steady, and the quiet of Him... holds me in a way I've never felt.  Solid, secure, grounded deep in the Earth like a mighty sequoia, yet there's an indescribable freedom and flow and lightness that let's me dance with butterflies and moonbeams.    The joy of light and laughter... took my breath away and filled me to overflowing.  The doors and cabinets and hidden nooks willingly opened to see deeper.  Long walks on the beach.  Playful teasing.  Hands held.  Smiles and hugs and kisses.  All of it...Pure magic and wonder. The bliss of physical work, logical collaboration, and addicting progress... my bones, my muscles, my pores, my soul drank it all in after being starved so long from the purpose and act of doing.  I can't even's that trusted North Star—His Vision and Direction—that fuels it all.   I shake my he

A Little Humor for My Kinster Friends...

So before I call it a night... The top of my left foot has been KILLING me the last few days. I thought maybe someone had stepped on it last week when I accidentally ended up in a spontaneous NYC subway escalator mosh pit, which happens whenever some idiot doesn’t get out of the way at the end of the escalator. If this has never happened to you, it’s a total cluster fuck, especially during NYC rush hour when dozens if not a hundred people are directly in a line behind you getting dumped into the mosh.   *Ugly way to start the morning, trust me.* No bruise though. Just incredible persistent pain, and that’s the only incident that I could think of. In the tangle of arms and legs and yelling and pisstivity I could have easily missed getting stepped on in the moment. ~shrug~ ..... *(This gets better.  I promise.)* Just now. On a Wednesday night. In an effort to quell the noise in my head...frustration and sadness over dumb shit, I decided to get myself off. Kwesi is in a Man Meetin

A Drenched Soul

I've been piecing together words, thoughts, feelings, but how can I be a poet or a storyteller or even fucking literate when I can barely handle the blaze of endless memories?  Fuck.  He gave me one of the best fucking nights of my life, and my mind can't really yet take it all in. I fly on the currents of our beautiful storm still twenty-four hours later.  My body aches deliciously.  My soul is freer than ever.  My mind...shit...I struggle to string it all together.  Our dark twin well fucking matched. Him.  My Lion.  ~sigh~ Stunning.  Fearless.  My fierce Warrior pushed me further than anyone ever.  He peeled back my truth and feasted Himself on my soul as I came endlessly. And the most exquisite perfect moment... One of the deepest, most intimate... The one that had forever been in my mind... In my deep dark fantasies... Was simply just there... And tears just slipped down my face at how tightly He held me in my most whorish of Truths. Fuck... Joy i

Apparently I'm a Hot Nympomanic Mess...

The room was overflowing.  Given the venue (which seemed to dampen sound - good thing to note) two dozen people sat quiet as hell straining to listen to every word the panelists shared about Service. The panel was amazingly diverse!  Various genders, races and sexual orientations of both experienced Masters and slaves.  I was eager to gain more insight, new perspectives, new knowledge.  I jotted down each question to the panelists to ponder later as needed for myself as well as took note of any thought provoking comments.  Then this happened... Question to the Panel (summarized/not word for word): "What service do you provide/receive that you enjoy most?" My IMMEDIATE internal answer (and a fucking movie reel of hot fucking flashback recent memories) screamed through my mind...SUCKING DICK! Yeah...thank every deity known and forgotten to man that I somehow managed not to even murmur  that sledgehammer-like thought cause I was feeling like the bouncy overly happy chick o

STOP! THIS is NOT Who We Are!

What the fucking FUCK?!?  STOP! Unless you are somehow DIRECTLY involved with the participants currently embroiled in the various NYC incidences, I fucking BEG you to pull yourself out of the ugly nasty turbulent river of conflict, pain, disappointment, and angst that is the Fet feed for a day...just a day.  Take a few cleansing breaths, and fucking see, remember, and EMBRACE the reality that this drama is NOT ALL there is to the NYC Kink Community!!! A FEW nasty narcissistic abusers have been called out for years of chronic monstrous behavior that happened for the most part...WITHIN their D/s relationships - a FEW.  The horror that was experienced by these dozen or so submissives should NOT get to replace the... BEAUTY. FUN. FRIENDSHIP. SEXINESS. LEARNING. COMPASSION. UNDERSTANDING. SUPPORT. ENCOURAGEMENT. DELIGHT. and sheer fucking JOY... That the other THOUSAND(s) OF US (tens of thousands over the last decade) have come together and shared with each other at munche

From the Sidelines: Observations, Lessons, & Questions I'm Pondering

I currently have no dog in any of the past or current fights.  I stand on the sidelines and observe, listen, process, and learn both as a bottom and a Top roles.  A few people I've discussed things with seeking...input.  I admittedly am not always on point with politically correct messaging.  I don't always see eye to eye with the masses.  Truly...I suck at following the crowd and struggle in allowing myself to get swept away in mob mentality even when it may be a good thing.  Logic and reason are two of my favorite vices. I've spent days/weeks jotting down thoughts and notes.  To date these are my observations, lessons, and questions that I'm pondering... WORDS REALLY FUCKING MATTER  Say what needs to be said.  Tell friends.  Talk to people.  Ask questions.  Maybe I don't know someone's dynamic, but absolutely NO ONE can or will fault me for saying even from the sidelines..." I'm not comfortable with him/her/how they play.  It seems dangerous and

Our Sacred Ritual

My naked body swayed in earthy lust, begging to be filled with Him.  His beautiful beads danced and slithered across my curves, and my pale thighs straddled His dark, trim, solid frame even as His stiff shaft rose like tree trunk from His groin demanding service.  Somehow I resisted the urgency that had flooded my system.  I smiled and reached for the twinkling strand of feminine sexuality at my waist.  With a quick twist, it was free.  My fingers quickly gathered the length in my palm, and I licked my lips.  Yes, this felt so very right... He'd surprised me when He pulled the string of pretty pale green beads out of His pocket for me, but what shocked me was how they called to my soul more than any piece of clothing, lingerie, or jewelry that has ever touched my skin.  When my African King had laid their smooth surface against me to dance against my warm curves, He said, "These are from my people. I wanted to give you something of my culture."   I was humbled.  In Hi

Of Pain & Punishment

My mind is full.  Over the course of the next 48 hours there will likely be a myriad of posts.  Call it intellectual purging.  This month has been insanely packed not just with holidays but also significant family events and travel, as well as emotionally taut incidences.  I simply haven't had the bandwidth, the energy, or the willpower to sort through the tangled ball of yarn that have been my thoughts.  I crashed hard and deep for about three days this week and once again most of today.  To any I may have inadvertently been slow to respond to bare with me.  It's not's simply I needed to recover as well as sort through and release my thoughts so that I once again have mental and emotional space for more. He punished me. I had no warning.  I had no preparation. I could and did and do argue miscommunication at a certain level.  However, despite all that, I can't lie.  My actions were deliberate.  I knew that at the time.  Why I did/didn't do those th