
Showing posts with the label Dominance

In Tatters

I knelt at His feet in the utter mess I’d made. My struggle to succeed was stark. No one had ever seen me so disheveled…in such embarrassing circumstances. As He cleaned me up for the second time two minutes, I looked up to meet His steady gaze and tried to gauge his reaction. Disgust at another disastrous, completely unimpressive act of service? Frustrated at my inability to get it together? Sadistically amused at another ridiculous unglamorous predicament I’d once again found myself in? I knew he was taking in every fucking minute detail of the wreck before Him and squirreling it away in the vault of His mind, but what did He feel? His stoic expression offered me no hint. Without comment He stood firm in front of me. Fuckin unwavering. He hadn’t walked away. He hadn’t stepped back. I swear He may have even leaned in. As soon as I’d semi-collected myself, I began my third attempt even as I tried in vain to push the remaining proof of my ineptitude out of view, hoping it would simply

That Old Relic - Honor

In a world consumed by instant gratification, which is the new new God, sadly concepts such as Honor have become vague relics of the past, echoed only by ghosts and eulogies of heroes.  Maybe this is where the hopeless romantic in me sticks out like a prickly cactus in a deep bed of used instant scratch off tickets, but Honor is still very much a part of my DNA. I don't brag or blow smoke up anyone's ass.  Why?  They'd find out soon enough that I was full of shit.  How embarrassing would that be???  Plus I've never been able to find logic in lies and pompous nonsense.  The first time MasterKwesi met one of my friends, he shook her hand and said, "Wow...she's amazing.  She's one of the few people that says she's about x and then actually is x."  I was a bit stunned for a moment that he was impressed by just basic honesty, but my Honorable genes run deeper. I do my best to Honor the agreements I make - even if I've made a mi

The Beauty of Submission

To feel vulnerable under the Weight of His Strength. To give freely when He Takes. To fight by His Side. To serve His Demands. Submission... To surrender beneath the Comfort of Competent Authority. To rely on Consistency and trust in Follow Through. To ache for His Approval. To obey His Instructions. Submission... To be wanted at His Feet. To bask in His Attention. To be used on my knees as He Sates His Pleasure. To anticipate and fulfill His Needs. Submission... To bloom and grow under His Nurturing. To work toward His goals. To follow His Direction. To believe in His Leadership. Submission... There is nothing in the world that makes more sense or is more beautiful to me than M/s.  To simply witness it warms my soul and fends off the cold chill of winter. ~DominaKat

His Dark Promises

Standing in the open door to the Mercedes Coupe, my head carelessly fell forward as His teeth nipped a trail of fire down the back of my neck and across my shoulder.  I could feel the demanding ridge of His dick against my ass, and my pussy wept with need.  I arched my back to give His mouth more access and to rub my ass against that tree trunk I ached to have buried inside me. "That's it.  Beg for it.  I wanted to bend you over the table the moment I saw you."  Warm strong hands reached up and pulled apart the deep neckline of my dark red dress to expose my bulging breasts to the cool night air. I hissed from the sharp pain of my fat nipples morphing instantly to pierced berries ripe to be plucked. He didn't resist and latched on to both with a deliberate firm grip before a slow release.  Again a squeeze and a release.  "The waiter kept looking at your breasts."  Another squeeze and release between the bites at my neck.  "I should have pulled the

Embrace Failure to Thrive

Damn near every community in the last year has had some sort of drama at their doorstep.  Rightfully, we ALL NEED to understand consent backwards and forwards, protect each others' privacy, and be on guard for asshole abusers.  Responsible kinksters go to classes, read up on best practices, spend long hours considering.  All good things.  We all should be thoughtful in our interactions with each other. If you're anything like me, the drama as well as all this thought and consideration has also created some anxiety.  Most of us are intent on “doing things right” - not just as it relates to consent but in play.  No D/Top-type wants to cause physical, mental, or emotional damage, and no s/bottom-type wants to be on the receiving end of damage.  We all want to have a fabulous time every time we indulge in our kinky lifestyle. Guess what?  That's unfucking realistic.  And we NEED to talk about it. An impossible expectation of perfection in a scene/play currently exist

Our Storm

My hands clawed at the wet brick as I tried in vain to brace myself against the brutal rhythm of Him.  Another nail shredded. The smack-smack-smack of skin-to-skin and the wet sounds of sex and sin echoed between the dark confines of the narrow alleyway but mingled with the downpour and the random taxi or box truck that lumbered through the barren drenched city streets.  The masonry dug into my palms, and the edges of my soaked dress clung to the sides of my pale thighs, even as He used the bunched fabric at my back as leverage to fuck me like a beast in primal heat.  Just as the violent storm above raged, so did my anger, yet still I arched my back and raised my bare ass like the whore I always was for Him.   I needed... Dick... His dick... Him.  Him.  Him.  As always, the energy of us consumed us like a firestorm, singing our souls.  We were helpless to resist.  "Who owns you, bitch?"  He growled in my ear before He trailed burning bites down m

My Sacred

At my my very foundation and root is M/s. "The things which are sacred or precious to us are the things we withdraw from promiscuous sharing." ~Howard Roark, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Sacred  | ˈsākrid | adjective   regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group, or individual The Dominance of Owner. The submission of property The Power/Authority Exchange. Simply  sacred . M/s entwines itself across every core element. Of my existence. And delves so deeply into my soul. I will not. C annot. Promiscuously share. Sacred. My sacred... Is not a kinky game. Or haphazard wrapper. Or just spicy sex. It's not pretend. Or a mirage. Or a costume. Or part-time. Submissive property. Is who and what I am. Even if I'm simply waiting. To be Owned. Claimed Treasured. Led. Sacred. To serve. To please. To be used. To support, encourage, guard, protect, love, ADORE. To give... All the best I have. To bel

Enthusiastic Assent for My submission

I had to suffer through some brutal, long-term lessons before I fully comprehended what I now consider the Number One rule in submission (after the overarching fundamentals of trust, respect, honor, etc. that apply to both the D and the s.) I can ONLY give as much as He will TAKE. I wish someone had explained that to me at the beginning of my journey.  Though, I'm not sure it would have made a difference.  I can't tell you how many have verbally proclaimed on countless occasions that they valued and wanted everything I had to give only to prove the exact opposite in action.  Whether due to misaligned/misaligned expectations or outright mirages and lies, it didn't matter how many ways I submitted or how well I submitted, I eventually had no choice but to face being... untaken... unwanted... unneeded. Over time, my emotional wounds and physical frustration became devastating.  Imagine a torrential wall of hot lava (submission) fueled by a mountain of thunderous eruptio

Tell Me "No"

Floggers, crops, whips, rope...heady, sexy, yummy toys of kink.  The showmanship, the Pain, the obvious position of Power and Authority to submission are tangible, bold opportunities to share intimate experiences with one another, especially those in D/s dynamics.  Yet, often a simple, reasonable, deftly placed "No" lands much deeper and last much longer than a night's pretty bruises or vicious lashes.  In fact an occasional denial (preferably accompanied with a why) is essential to a healthy Power Exchange relationship. A "No" in a sea of "Yes" demonstrates that He listens. A "No" because He wants that Privilege with me shows He still desires me. A "No" draws a Boundary that reassures me. A "No" to keep me safe reminds me how much He values His property. A "No" to make me uncomfortable allows me to please and amuse His Sadism. A "No" once again establishes His Control. A &quo

My Religion

I remained silent.  As they took turns speaking, their words faded to background noise, and I held up my own Truth to my mind's eye and gazed at it in fearless acknowledgement. Yes, I see.  I know. Even there, surrounded by those who shared at least some version of my proclivities, it seemed unlikely my own Beliefs would find many companions.  I hadn't been hopeful - merely curious.  I long ago accepted in myself what I can so rarely express to anyone who can understand.  Though I have let  my Truth flicker in the ether at times . My Religion?  I bask, bath, am baptized in the Spiritual essence found only at the Divine intersection of a soul deep connection, pure, authentic BDSM, and raw hedonistic sex. those moments...I am free of the chains of this world and become one with the Holy Existence of Life and all that beautiful energy of the Universe. those moments...I find Grace. I am Grace. I am Everything and nothing. I am Life and death. I a

What You Have Found

Yes, Sir. You have finally found that woman who You can drape in Your beautiful Rope. I will be still and patient as You tie and knot and wrap my flesh to bind me to Your soul. Please...Adorn me with your sacred. Yes, Sir. You have finally found that giving submissive who will be honest, loyal, and true. I will serve and obey You as best as I am able with my body, my mind, and my heart. Please...Show me how to please You. Yes, Sir. You have finally found that willing eager masochist to unleash that beautiful Darkness You hide from the world. I will soak up every drop of your cruel intentions. Please...Give me the Pain You long to set free. Yes, Sir. You have also found a lady who can share with You fine spirits, bask in the complicated melodies of jazz, and make You proud to have next to You. I will cherish every moment big and small that we find to share. Please...Let’s explore the wonders and flavors of the city...of the world. Yes, Sir. You have found that ethical insatiable whor

In Trouble - Part II

Part I - In case you missed it. I’m in trouble. Hours of conversation later, after feeding each other tasty bits from forks and fingers, my purring Lion slept sated and relaxed.  His arms around the bare curve of my waist.  His head against my breasts.  Content.  Even the usual creases of stress and worry between His brows were gone. I checked my phone and set the timer just in case.  First and foremost was to honor the rules they abided by and the respect that kept them at peace.  Our time together was always finite.  I never fought those boundaries.  They kept me safe as well. Yet, I wished I could give Him more than a handful of minutes of peaceful sleep.  I rained gentle kisses on His head and slowly rubbed His back.  What I thought was an effort to comfort was just as much an outlet to express my affection unseen.  In the silence of our room, I slowly, quietly let myself relax one breath at a time.  His body warmth seeped into my bones.  His purrs soothed me. I looked do

In Trouble - Part I

I’m in trouble. He hides His Beast and His passion behind so many layers...politeness, smooth grace, perfect manners, easy conversation, generosity, kindness, patience.  Too often I forget the Darkness that lies dormant and hungry in the lair of His soul.  I forget and...underestimate. Fifteen hours later, on a train surrounded by obnoxious suburban millennials seeking city thrills, I can barely look back at what He did to me.  My soul trembles.  I fight the tsunami of tears I couldn’t unleash last night, I clamp down against a spontaneous gut wrenching orgasm that threatens to burst between my legs, and I swallow a primal scream I can’t quite name the source of. All I know is...He fucked me up last night. I walked in a calm, relaxed, confident lioness.  In well under twenty seconds, He made me nothing more than His bitch and proceeded to drag me through the gutter of my soul. No one has ever taken me so deep.  He seemed to do it effortlessly. I'd entered our room an

Apparently I'm a Hot Nympomanic Mess...

The room was overflowing.  Given the venue (which seemed to dampen sound - good thing to note) two dozen people sat quiet as hell straining to listen to every word the panelists shared about Service. The panel was amazingly diverse!  Various genders, races and sexual orientations of both experienced Masters and slaves.  I was eager to gain more insight, new perspectives, new knowledge.  I jotted down each question to the panelists to ponder later as needed for myself as well as took note of any thought provoking comments.  Then this happened... Question to the Panel (summarized/not word for word): "What service do you provide/receive that you enjoy most?" My IMMEDIATE internal answer (and a fucking movie reel of hot fucking flashback recent memories) screamed through my mind...SUCKING DICK! Yeah...thank every deity known and forgotten to man that I somehow managed not to even murmur  that sledgehammer-like thought cause I was feeling like the bouncy overly happy chick o

Of Pain & Punishment

My mind is full.  Over the course of the next 48 hours there will likely be a myriad of posts.  Call it intellectual purging.  This month has been insanely packed not just with holidays but also significant family events and travel, as well as emotionally taut incidences.  I simply haven't had the bandwidth, the energy, or the willpower to sort through the tangled ball of yarn that have been my thoughts.  I crashed hard and deep for about three days this week and once again most of today.  To any I may have inadvertently been slow to respond to bare with me.  It's not's simply I needed to recover as well as sort through and release my thoughts so that I once again have mental and emotional space for more. He punished me. I had no warning.  I had no preparation. I could and did and do argue miscommunication at a certain level.  However, despite all that, I can't lie.  My actions were deliberate.  I knew that at the time.  Why I did/didn't do those th

The Magical Course of Conversation Before Play

I needed this... Midori's Create Amazing Scenes: Get into their Heads Needed. Needed.  NEEDED. I learned much, but I was fucking reminded more. I. Need. the fucking CONVERSATION. Impossibly somehow I'd lost that.  I'd lost the dialog.  The banter.  The teasing.  The flirting.  The mental exploration of possibilities.  The opening of the door to the mindfuck. All of it.  Was just. Gone.  ~sigh~  I'd lost all the exquisite communication beforehand that lays the groundwork for all the magic that we do with each other. It isn't any single person's fault or influence.  Over the last seven years...between busy schedules, misinterpretation of others' lines, miscommunications, others' waning efforts and crumbling mirages, my struggle to find others truly willing to lead...Between all of that I've simply continued to get quieter and quieter and quieter.  Why waste time talking if no one is actually listening?  If no one truly intends to try a

The Slash

There’s much talk about being a sub, being a slave, property, pet or being a Dom, being a Master, Owner, etc. We have classes, discussions, writings, debates about how to be the most fantastical at whatever role you identify as yours. I’m not hating. I absolutely participate in and enjoy and learn from all of the conversations too. There's also the Great Debate.  Who truly has the control? The Dom! No! The sub. And then there's the whole...submission is the ultimate gift. SMH. The answer to the Great Debate is both equally hold control. Anyone that argues differently is a damn fool.  A Dom with no sub has no one but HimHerSelf to control.  Sub-Has-Control-ers...try submitting when there's no Dominance. I've tried me when I tell you that's a lot of things, but it ain't D/s and it ain't holding control. When you're throwing your submission at a brick wall, your submission damn sure ain't some grand omnipotent gift either. Tha

Unleash My Storm

A buildup of desire. A flood of energy with nowhere to go. Emotions that batter and bruise. Though I try to dissipate the chaos. I am exhausted in the continued denial of my need. And the storm rages below my surface for release. Dark thunder pounds through my mind in search of resting place for my submission. Vicious lighting crawls through my veins seeking pain and punishment. An agony of insatiable lust licks and torments my every nerve. FUCK...Unleash the storm in me! I want nothing gentle or kind. The full blunt force of primal hunger and Dominance. Is the only fucking cure for my twisted sinful lusts. Show me that dark merciless beast in Your soul. Take from me all that You wish. With a cruelty born of pure greed and demand. My soul begs... For pain and suffering that pushes reality to the far reaches. To be used with brutal Sadistic intent until I'm a crumpled broken mess at His feet. I am desperate for His fury and passion. My lioness roars to be

Feel My Storm

Today's endless rain...  A need to dip into sensuality. A need to remind myself that this thing we all do is usually fun and sexy and not that damn complicated.   So...I finished a piece I started earlier this year.   Enjoy... ~DominaKat * * * * * I shifted impatiently as the plane slowly taxied across the wet tarmac. The pilot had kept his promise and pushed to beat the line of wicked storms closing in on the metro area. I'd waited long enough and had little tolerance for Mother Nature's temper tantrum. I couldn't even put into words everything I wanted. I simply wanted more of Him. Twenty minutes later, despite the swamp of humidity that embraced me, I breathed a sigh of relief as I finally escaped the linoleum sea of airport corridors of one of the Midwest's busiest hubs. I checked my phone, but still no reply. The air was thick and heavy with the coming storm. The same feeling coursed through my blood. The anticipation. The near precipi

Sliced Open...Lick My Sins

It's rare that I have the bandwidth to write any more, let alone post a finished piece.  It's rarer still that I'm inspired not to give a fuck and simply write to slice myself open unapologetically and spill out the truth of the moment. I'm still learning.  I'm still trying to understand Him.  I know I like that mood He gets in when He believes I might be a handful.  He's harder then.  He's colder then.  He's more precise and demanding.  He's more committed to hurting me then.  And my masochists licks up that pain like a kitten to cream. I am not the same submissive, masochist, s-whatever I once was.  The layers are more separated.  The pieces of me more demanding with sharper borders that don't HAVE to co-exist.  In between each lies the soul of a lioness waiting, watching, wondering. He hurt me. I found a sliver of peace. He fucked me. I found pleasure. I sucked Him. And I sucked Him. I found a whore's reward. His different mo

Initial Offering - Part II

My lips drove up and down his shaft as my tongue danced across his head and stroked his length. Wet sloppy sounds echoed through the room. I couldn't get enough of Him. He let me have my way. I sucked. I slurped. I fed from Him. I was ravenous. I latched onto His perfect swollen head and sucked like the ravenous bitch I was, moving in every angle my precarious position allowed. My cunt dripped down my thighs as my desire for Him only burned hotter with each taste. My nails dug into the underside of the soft beautiful wood. With a deep breath I took His meat. Across the ridged roof of my mouth to the soft back and further down my throat. My nose pressed against the warmth of his wiry mat of hair. My throat clenched around his head as I gagged loudly without shame. He groaned in pleasure and suddenly I felt his palm cup the back of my head and force me another inch further onto his dick. I gagged harder. I choked. I needed oxygen, but still He held me firmly on Him. Then He growl